Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Industry Engagement
Energy Networks Association (ENA) facilitates an industry technical forum where Distributed Energy Resource (DER) connection issues are discussed and addressed and includes the sharing of best practice, a better understanding of technical constraints and the development of agreed solutions. The forum will only deal with technical related issues that are not already dealt with by other industry standing working groups, committees or Code Panels. Membership includes all DNOs, IDNOs, National Grid, representatives from DER Trade Associations and the DER community.
Should you have a technical issue with a DER connection or implementation that you believe appears to be inconsistent across all DNOs then please email Jeevan Dhaliwal, Technical Secretary at Jeevan.Dhaliwal@energynetworks.org, or Mark Dunk, Head of Engineering at mark.dunk@energynetworks.org, with details of the issue and it will be formally tabled and discussed at the next meeting of the Forum.
For Meeting and Type Test information click here.