This modification was raised by members in anticipation of the large numbers of storage devices predicted to be connected to the network over the coming years. it was decided the best way to accomadate would be to remove the exclusions to storage in the Distribution Code. A working group made up of member companies and a wide range of stakeholders was formed to discuss and develop the required amendments to existing distribution code documents.
A public consultation was drafted and launched 3rd December 2020, and closed 12th February 2021. A positive number of responses where received, below are links to the consultation paper published and a list of responses received. once the responses had been assessed the distribution code documents where reviewed and amended in-line with the feedback received. A report to authority was then prepared and submitted to Ofgem late April, Ofgem published their approval of the modification 21st July, with an agreed publishing date of 1st August for the affected documents; Engineering Recommendation (EREC) G98, G99 and version 46 of the DCode.
As part of the modification proposal it was agreed to give a minimum of 12 months visibility of the changes before making them mandatory. these changes came into affect as of 1st September 2022.
DCRP/20/06/PC - Consultation Pack
DCRP/20/06/PC - Consultation Responses Received
DCRP/MP/20/06 - Report to Authority
DCRP/MP/20/06 - Authority Decision