DCRP/MP/23/01 - Engineering Report P28

This Modification has been raised to assess the requirement to develop an Engineering Report, to provide supportive guidance on the technical application of specific areas of guidance provided in the current version of Engineering Recommendation P28 Issue 2.

This Engineering Report is currently in early development, and will be Explanatory in nature. No change to EREC P28 is expected as part of this modification.

DCRP/MP/23/02 - Constitution and Rules of the DCRP

This work has been developed to provide a revised version of the constitution and rules document for the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP), and looks to revise the number of representatives with a seat on the panel, also to integrate the outcomes from DCode modification DCRPMP/21/07, (Distribution Code EU Exit Modifications) and address any bias pronouns embedded in the original text.

A revised document will be proposed to The Authority for decision in line with the current approvals process.

DCRP/MP/23/03 - Changes to DOC6

This modification has been run as a joint workgroup consisting of representative from both Distribution Code and Grid Code. In parallel with Grid Code modification GC0161, it has been designed to remove the current constraints in the DCode legal text which prevent a DNO from entering any arrangement to maintain supplies to “protected customers” in the event of implementing an OC6 instruction from National Grid ESO. A copy of the relevant modification documents is available below.

DCRP/23/03/PC - Consultation Pack

DCRP/MP/23/03 - RTA

DCRP/MP/23/03 - Decision Letter

This modification was approved by The Authority 15th September 2023 and a revised version (v54) of the DCode was published.

DCRP/MP/23/04 - EREC P2 Issue 9

A DCode modification was approved to assess Annex 1 Standards EREC P2, and EREP 130. The purpose of this mod is to consider if the import behaviour of premises whose primary purpose is wholly or mainly Electricity Storage is right for inclusion in DNO group demand. This work is being progressed by members of the P2 working group, members from the Strategic Connections Group’s (STC's) battery energy storage subgroup, and will engage with industry stakeholders at the appropriate point in the modification process.

DCRP/MP/23/05 - Changes to DOC6.5

This modification was raised to facilitate the work to be untaken by the joint Distribution Code and Grid Code workgroup (GC0162) A public consultation on the changes was held 16th October and runs until Friday 17th November, a copy of the consultation pack is found below,

DCRP/23/05/PC - Consultation Pack

DCRP/MP/23/05 - RTA

DCRP/MP/23/05 - Decision Letter

This modification was approved by The Authority 15th December 2023 and a revised version (v55) of the DCode was published.

DCRP/MP/23/06 - EREC P24 Issue 2

This modification has been transferred from the existing modification DCRP/MP/19/09 due to the requirement to separate the EREC P24 and EREC P29 documents for consultation.

This modification has been developed to propose amendments to Engineering Recommendation P24, the current version of this document requires a general review due to the technical content provided and advancements in processes since its last iteration.

This review is currently underway and being carried out by the ENA's EREC P24 workgroup. further updates to be provided.

DCRP/MP/23/07 - EREC P29 Issue 2

This modification has been transferred from the existing modification DCRP/MP/19/09 due to the requirement to provide individual modification processes for both EREC P24 and EREC P29 documents.

This document is currently undergoing a review of the technical content provided. It has served the industry well for many years, but is due to be revised to modern standards. The workgroup is currently producing a draft version which will be consulted on when drafting concludes.

Further updates will be provided.

DCRP/MP/23/08 - EREC G81 Parts 1 to 7

This modification has been approved by the DCRP to review the suite of EREC G81 documents. A group formed from DNO members with the relevant expertise will be formed with future updates to be provided.

DCRP/MP/23/09 - Distributed Generation Connection Guides

The Distributed Generation Connection Guides (DG Guides) have undergone an annual revision in line with the requirements of the Distribution Code of Great Britain with a consultation due for release in November 2023. This modification proposes to collate the current guides into a single guidance document covering EREC G98 and EREC G99.

DCRP/23/09/PC - Consultation Pack