Closed Consultations

D-Code - Establishing the Independent System Operator and Planner (ISOP) in GB industry codes 2024

This consultation sets out the proposed modifications to implement changes to the following industry codes (collectively referred to as “the Codes”) to enable the establishment of the Independent System Operator and Planner (ISOP) in accordance with its statutory functions, duties and licence conditions.

You can find the consultation here: 

Notice for ISOP Code modifications relating to National Security

Notice for ISOP Code modifications excluding National Security

Modifications are proposed to the following Codes:

  • Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC)
  • Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC)
  • Distribution Code (D-Code)
  • Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA)
  • Grid Code
  • System Operator Transmission Owner Code (STC)
  • Security and Quality of Supply Standard (SQSS)
  • Uniform Network Code (UNC)

Full detail, including how to respond to the consultation, can be found on the dedicated ISOP webpage on the Ofgem website:

Provisional timescales:

Consultation live: 22nd May 2024

Consultation close: 17th June 2024 23:59

Email responses:

For any representations with respect to the proposed modifications to the Codes excluding National Security:

For any representations with respect to the proposed modifications to the Codes relating to National Security: and

DCRP/23/09/PC - Closed

CLOSED DCRP/23/09/PC Annual Revision to the Distributed Generation Connection Guides
Target Audience All Distribution Code Stakeholders including Distribution Network Operators, Customers, developers and prospective owners of generation equipment connected to the GB Distribution System.
Date Published 06th November 2023
Deadline for Responses 17:00 Friday 24th November 2023
Summary This consultation paper is seeking the views from across industry on proposed amendments to the Distributed Generation Connection Guides (DG Guides) as part of the annual review carried out under the requirements of the Distribution Code of Great Britain (GB).
Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 24 November 2023.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format) DCRP/23/09/PC Annual Revision to the Distributed Generation Connection Guides
Contact email
Consultation Responses TBC

DCRP/23/05/PC - Closed

CLOSED DCRP/23/05/PC - Modification to DOC6 to allow protection from disconnection, where technically feasible, for customers when implementing demand disconnection at levels above 20% of total demand
Target Audience All current and prospective users of the distribution system, but especially the operators of sites that are protected under the Electricity Supply Emergency Code.
Date Published 16th October 2023
Deadline for Responses 17:00 Friday 17th November 2023
Summary This consultation paper is seeking stakeholders’ views on proposed changes to the legal text of the Distribution Code that will extend the exclusion from disconnection, where technically feasible, to those sites in the event of an OC6 instruction from National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) to the DNO to disconnect demand of more than 20% of total demand.
Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 17 November 2023.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format) DCRP/23/05/PC Modification to DOC6 to allow protection from disconnection, where technically feasible, for customers when implementing demand disconnection at levels above 20% of total demand
Contact email
Consultation Responses


DCRP/23/03/PC - Closed

CLOSED DCRP/23/03/PC - Modification to DOC6 to allow protection for sites when implementing demand disconnection where technically feasible
Target Audience This modification may have an effect on all Distribution Code Stakeholders including Distribution Network Operators, Customers connected to the GB Distribution System including Demand Side Response providers.
Date Published 24th July 2023
Deadline for Responses 17:00 Friday 18th August 2023
Summary This consultation paper is seeking the views from across industry on proposed changes to the legal text of the Distribution Code of GB to remove wording specifying that no protection to sites can be offered in the event of:
  • an OC6 instruction issued from the National Grid Electricity Systems Operator (NGESO) to a Distribution Network Operator (DNO) requiring them to disconnect demand to preserve the integrity of the transmission system.
  • demand disconnection initiated by the DNO in order to preserve the integrity of the distribution system.
Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 18th August 2023.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format) DCRP/MP/23/03 - Modification to DOC6 to allow protection for sites when implementing demand disconnection where technically feasible
Contact email
Consultation Responses TBC

DCRP/22/02/PC - Closed


DCRP/22/02/PC - Electricity System Restoration Standard - and Distributed ReStart

Target Audience

All current and prospective users of the distribution system, but especially owners and operators of generation and storage of in the range from about 3MW upwards.
Date Published 15th May 2023
Deadline for Responses 17:00 Friday 16th June 2023
Summary This consultation is largely a repeat of the DCRP/MP/22/02, but with modified proposed text in the Distribution Code to match the changes in the Grid Code since the Grid Code GC0156 work group consultation closed at the end of December 2022.
Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 16th June 2023.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format) DCRP/22/02/PC - Electricity System Restoration Standard and Distributed ReStart - Second Consultation Pack
Contact email
Consultation Responses TBC

DCRP/22/06/PC - Closed

CLOSED DCRP/22/06/PC - EREC G12 Issue 5 - Requirements for the Application of Protective Multiple Earthing to Low Voltage Networks
Target Audience Distribution Code Stakeholders & Users including Distribution Network Operators, Transmission System Operators, Generators, Customers, Demand Side Response providers, Distribution Energy Resource providers and manufacturers of small scale embedded Power Generating Modules.

Date Published

13th February 2023
Deadline for Responses 17:00 17th March 2023
Summary This Distribution Code consultation relates to the changes proposed to Engineering Recommendation (EREC) G12. This version being consulted on was reviewed as part of the Technical Author Service (TAS) provided by Energy Networks Association’s (ENA), as well as additional comments received from Stakeholders as part of the previous revision to the document.
Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 17th March 2023.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format) DCRP/22/06/PC - EREC G12 Issue 5 Consultation Pack
Contact email
Consultation Responses 1

DCRP/22/02/PC - Closed


DCRP/22/02/PC - Electricity System Restoration Standard - Distributed ReStart

Target Audience

All current and prospective users of the distribution system, but especially owners and operators of generation and storage of in the range from about 3MW upwards.

Date Published

12th December 2022

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 13th January 2023


This Distribution Code public consultation relates to changes proposed from the joint Grid Code Review Panel and Distribution Code Review Panel working group to enable the introduction of distributed restart in the distribution systems of Great Britain.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 13th January 2023.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/22/02/PC - Electricity System Restoration Standard - Distributed ReStart



Consultation ResponsesTBC

DCRP/22/04/PC - Closed


DCRP/22/04/PC - EREP 130 Issue 4

Target Audience

All Distribution Code Stakeholders & Users including Distribution Network Operators, Generators, Customers, Demand Side Response providers, Distribution Energy Resource.

Date Published

27th June 2022

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 29th July 2022


This Distribution Code public consultation is intended to seek the views of stakeholders on proposed changes to Engineering Report (EREP) 130 Issue 4, in alignment with the amendments to Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P2 Issue 8, by revising the security of supply to high voltage feeders between 1 and 10MW, in certain situations.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 29th June 2022.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/22/04/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses3

DCRP/22/03/PC - Closed


DCRP/22/03/PC - EREC P2 Issue 8

Target Audience

All Distribution Code Stakeholders & Users including Distribution Network Operators, Generators, Customers, Demand Side Response providers, Distribution Energy Resource.

Date Published

27th June 2022

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 29th July 2022


This Distribution Code public consultation is intended to seek the views of stakeholders on proposed changes to Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P2 that will permit the reduction in the security of supply customers supplied via high voltage feeders supplying demand between 1 and 10MW in a limited number of targeted situations.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 29th June 2022.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/22/03/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses3

DCRP/22/01/PC - Closed


DCRP/22/01/PC - Emergency and Restoration Code Implementation - and Distributed Restart

Target Audience

All current and prospective users of the distribution system, but especially owners and operators of generation and storage of in the range from about 3MW upwards.

Date Published

26th April 2022

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 27th May 2022


This Distribution Code public consultation relates to changes proposed from the joint Grid Code Review Panel and Distribution Code Review Panel working group to i) implement the remainder of the obligations arising from the EU Network Code Emergency and Restoration, and ii) to enable the introduction of Distributed Restart in the distribution systems of Great Britain.

There are no Distribution Code implications arising from the EU Emergency and Restoration Code and hence this Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on proposed modifications to the Distribution Code, EREC G99 and EREC G59 to enable the introduction of Distributed Restart in the distribution systems of Great Britain.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 27th May 2022.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/22/01/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses2

DCRP/21/07/PC - Closed


DCRP/21/07/PC - Distribution Code Exit Modifications

Target Audience

The modifications will be of interest to all Distribution Code Stakeholders & Users including Distribution Network Operators, Transmission System Operators Generators, Customers, Demand Side Response providers, Distribution Energy Resource providers and manufacturers of small scale embedded Power Generating Modules.

Date Published

10th December 2021

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 14th January 2022


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the proposed modifications to the Distribution Code, the Distribution Code Review Panel - Rules and Constitution and certain Distribution Code Annex 1and 2 documents identified in this Consultation Paper, which require amendment following the exit from the European Union (EU) by the United Kingdom (UK).

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 14th January 2022.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/21/07/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses 2

DCRP/21/02/PC - Closed


DCRP/21/02/PC - Distribution Code EREC G100 Issue 2 Technical Requirements for Customers’ Export and Import Limitation Schemes

Target Audience

All current and prospective manufacturers, developers, installers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) and controllable demand of any size connecting to distribution networks and where agreed control of the maximum import or export is to be implemented.

Date Published

8th October 2021

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 3rd December 2021


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on proposed modifications to EREC G100, and on its possible inclusion in Annex 1 of the Distribution Code, bringing the document under formal Distribution Code governance.

Stakeholders were consulted on a revised draft of EREC G100 between 11th June 2021 and 9th July 2021. Nine formal responses were received and the ENA G100 Working Group has consulted with the responders on these issues and have produced this revised version.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 3rd December 2021.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/21/02/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses8

DCRP/21/09/PC - Closed


DCRP/21/09/PC Distributed Generation Connection Guides

Target Audience

All current and prospective manufacturers, developers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) of sizes appropriate for domestic installations. Domestic customers and their service providers.

Date Published

22nd October 2021

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 12th November 2021


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on proposed amendments to the Distributed Generation Connection Guides.

The Distributed Generation Connection Guides (DGCGs) documents are guidance for any parties looking to connection generation equipment to the distribution network of Great Britain. They are designed to be used in conjunction with engineering recommendation (EREC) G98, and G99.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 12th November 2021.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/21/09/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses0

DCRP/21/08/PC - Closed


DCRP/21/08/PC Revision to the Integrated Microgeneration and Storage procedure

Target Audience

All current and prospective manufacturers, developers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) of sizes appropriate for domestic installations. Domestic customers and their service providers.

Date Published

15th October 2021

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 12th November 2021


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on proposed modifications to existing Distribution Code documents to extend the existing fast track process for connecting domestic scale generation, including storage, such that more customers’ equipment and many more customers’ installations are allowed within its scope. This should facilitate the installation of low carbon technologies in customers’ installations.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 12th November 2021.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/21/08/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses1

DCRP/21/05/PC - Closed


DCRP/21/05/PC - Distribution Code Compliance

Target Audience

All current and prospective owners and operators of demand and generation (including storage) equipment of any size connected to distribution networks.

Date Published

12th August 2021

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 7th October 2021


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on proposed modifications to the Distribution Code to formalise the enforcement process DNOs would apply to existing customers, including generators, where there is a concern that they do not, or might not, comply with the requirements set out in the Distribution Code and / or Distribution Code Annex documents. In such cases, this proposed modification sets out a process by which non-compliance is notified to customers and generators together with the consequences for them of continued non-compliance.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 7th October 2021.

All consultation responses will be reviewed, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/21/05/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses6

DCRP/20/05/PC - Closed


DCRP/20/05/PC - EREC P18 Issue 2 - Complexity of 132kV Circuits

Target Audience

Distribution Network Operators and stakeholders seeking new connections to distribution circuits which operate at or above 22kV.

Date Published

9th August 2021

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 4th September 2021


ER P18 issue 1, first published 1978 (and modernised in 2003), covers the normal limit of complexity of 132kV circuits by stipulating certain restrictions to be applied when they are designed. The proposed EREC P18 Issue 2 retains the intent of Issue 1, includes further clarity on the restrictions and their application to include some feature of current network design for example operational overload schemes, and extends the scope to circuits operated at 22kV and above.

Issue 2 has been developed with input from DNO and IDNO representatives and is based on ER P18 Issue 1.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 4th September 2021.

All consultation responses will be reviewed by ENA EREC P18 Working Group, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed for approval by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/20/05/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses3

DCRP/21/02/PC - Closed


DCRP/21/02/PC - G100 Issue 2 - Technical Requirements for Customers Export and Import Limitation Schemes

Target Audience

All current and prospective manufacturers, developers, installers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) and controllable demand of any size connecting to distribution networks and where agreed control of the maximum import or export is to be implemented.

Date Published

11th June 2021

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 9th July 2021


Engineering Recommendation (EREC) G100 “Technical Requirements for Customer Export Limiting Schemes” was published in July 2016 in response to the growth in generation, and latterly storage, and the need to manage its effects appropriately on the upstream distribution network, without the significant expense of network reinforcements.

In the last couple of years a number of shortcomings have been brought to the DNOs’ attention, mainly through stakeholder feedback at the Distributed Energy Resources Technical Forum. It is proposed to revise EREC G100 to address these issues, and to gather stakeholders views on its formal inclusion into in the Distribution Code governance.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 9th July 2021.

The consultation will be reviewed by ENA EREC G100 Working Group, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/21/02/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses9 received

DCRP/21/04/PC - Closed


DCRP/21/04/PC - G12 Issue 4 Amendment 2 - Requirements for the Application of Protective Multiple Earthing to Low Voltage Networks

Target Audience

The guidance in the Energy Networks Association (ENA) Engineering Recommendation (EREC) G12 Issue 4 Amendment 2 is intended primarily for those tasked with planning, design and installation of protective multiple earthing (PME) for application on DNO (Distribution Network Operator, including Independent Distribution Network Operator) overhead and underground low voltage distribution systems and to other public distribution systems connected to those systems under the Distribution Code.

Date Published

9th April 2021

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 7th May 2021


EREC G12 provides recommendations for the application of protective multiple earthing (PME) to low voltage networks. EREC G12 is referenced in Annex 1 of the Distribution Code and is incorporated within the Distribution Code as part of the Code’s technical requirements. Therefore any change to EREC G12 constitutes a change to the Distribution Code and has to be approved by the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP).

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 7th May 2021.

The consultation will be reviewed by Earthing Coordination Working Group, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/21/04/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses12 received

DCRP/21/01/PC - Closed


DCRP/21/01/PC - G98 / G99 Minor Technical Modifications

Target Audience

This consultation is aimed at all current and prospective manufacturers, developers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) of any size connecting new generation equipment to distribution networks.

Date Published

19 February 2021

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 19 March 2021


The modifications proposed here are a batch of issues raised since the last modifications to EREC G98 and G99. They span all Types of Power Generating Module (A – D) and include new requirements as well as clarifications to existing requirements.

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on proposed modifications to existing Distribution Code documents including a number of updates, corrections, clarifications and additions. Together these modifications are referred to as minor technical modifications.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 19 March 2021.

The consultation will be reviewed by DER Technical Forum Working Group, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/21/01/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses9 received

DCRP/20/06/PC - Closed


DCRP/20/06/PC - DCode Storage Modifications

Target Audience

This consultation is aimed at all current and prospective manufacturers, developers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) of any size connecting new generation equipment to distribution networks.

Date Published

18 December 2020

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 12 February 2021


Ofgem approved modifications to Grid Code relating to storage devices on the transmission network (GC0096 – Energy Storage) on 20 May 2020. As a result of this decision, storage has been removed from the list of exclusions in existing Grid Code documents. The Distribution Code Review Panel has agreed that the Distribution Code and its associated documents, ie ERECs G98 and G99 should now be amended in line with these changes. A DCRP working group has been convened to consider the changes.

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on proposed modifications to existing Distribution Code documents, to remove the current exclusion of storage and prepare for the requirements of export and vehicle to grid connections and the effects on the distribution network.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 12 February 2021.

The consultation will be reviewed by Storage Working Group, then the associated DCode documents will be reviewed by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as part of GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/20/06/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responses

DCRP/20/03/PC - Closed


DCRP/20/03/PC - Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P24 Issue 2 (2020)

Target Audience

The guidance in Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P24 Issue 2 is intended primarily for those tasked with planning, design and construction of new connections for 25kV a.c. supplies of railway traction loads to be connected to licensed transmission and distribution networks.

These requirements might also be useful information for Transmission and Distribution Network operational personnel.

This consultation targeted Distribution Network Operators, Distribution System Planners, Customers, Demand Side Response providers, Distribution Energy Resource providers, and all other Interested Distribution Code Stakeholders.

Date Published

16 March 2020

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 17 April 2020


ENA Engineering Recommendation (ER) P24 Issue 1, AC Traction Supplies to British Rail, provides guidance and recommended practice for provision of 25 kV AC rail supplies and covers a range of topics from the characteristics of traction load and estimation of electrical disturbance (e.g. voltage fluctuations, voltage imbalances and harmonics) to supply arrangements, equipment and earthing.

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the proposed modification to Engineering Recommendation (ER) P24.

If approved, the current guidance would be superseded by the modified guidance in Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P24 Issue 2 (2020).

ER P24 is an Annex 1 qualifying standard to the GB Distribution Code and governed by the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP).

The DCRP establish and maintain governance arrangements for Qualifying Standards that have a material effect on Users of the Distribution System. P24 is also referenced in Grid Code of Great Britain and is also subject to Grid Code governance processes.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should were sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 17 April 2020.

The consultation will be reviewed by EREC P24 Working Group, then the amended EREC P24 Issue 2 (2020) will be reviewed by the DCRP.

If approved by the DCRP, it will then be sent to the authority (Ofgem).

If approved by Ofgem it will be published as an Annex 1 qualifying standard to the GB Distribution Code.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/20/03/PC Consultation Pack



Consultation Responces

DCRP/19/08/PC - Closed


DCRP/19/08/PC - G99 Minor Technical Modifications and Editorial Corrections

Target Audience

All current and prospective manufacturers, developers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) of any size connecting new generation equipment to distribution networks.

Date Published

12 September 2019

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 4 October 2019


Ofgem approved the implementation of the EU Network Code “Requirements for Generators” (RfG) on 15 May 2018 (with compliance required from 27 April 2019). The implementation consisted of parallel changes to the Grid and Distribution Codes, and the introduction of EREC G99. Given the novelty of some of the requirements in G99 there has been an ongoing review with stakeholders of both the underlying requirements and their expression in the drafting of G99, and a number of changes have been made in three updates since May 2018.

To help stakeholders manage the transition to the new requirements the ENA has been running a Distributed Energy Resources Technical Forum (DER TF), generally meeting on a monthly basis since November 2018. The details of the discussions at the DER TF can be found at the web address here.

Many of the issues discussed in the DER TF are points of clarification and explanation, but some have identified places where changes to G99 would be beneficial.

Included in this consultation document are the following appendices:

  1. A table of examples of retrospective application of G99
  2. A table summarising the G99 requirements for reactive power and voltage control
  3. The proposed revised G99
  4. The consequential amendments to the Distribution Code.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 4 October 2019.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/19/08/PC Consultation Pack


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Vincent Hay on 020 7706 5105 or email

Consultation Responses

DCRP/19/07/PC - Closed

EREC P18 Issue 2

Target Audience

The guidance in Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P18 Issue 2 is intended primarily for those tasked with design of 132 kV circuits connected to licensed distribution networks operated by DNOs. These requirements might also be useful information for Distribution Network operational personnel. This consultation will be of interest to Distribution Network Operators, Distribution System Planners, Customers, Demand Side Response providers, Distribution Energy Resource providers, and all other Interested Distribution Code Stakeholders.

Date Published

11 June 2019

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 02 July 2018


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the proposed modification to Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P18. Additionally, the consultation seeks to understand stakeholders views on the future development requirements of EREC P18.

Guidance on the Complexity of 132kV circuits previously provided in ER P18 Issue 1 (1978), would, if approved, be superseded by the modified EREC P18 Issue 2 (2019). The limits and technical requirements in this EREC have been reviewed and have not materially changed during the revision.

The recommended revision of EREC P18 was a cosmetic revision to align with the latest ENA Engineering Document template and was aimed at providing clarification of definitions and the interpretation of certain requirements in the EREC.

EREC P18 is an Annex 2 qualifying standard to the GB Distribution Code[1] and governed by the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP). The DCRP establish and maintain governance arrangements for Qualifying Standards that have a material effect on Users of the Distribution System. Annex 2 Qualifying Standards, such as EREC P18, can be approved by the DCRP where unanimity is reached by the DCRP; however subject to the materiality of the changes agreed by Distribution Code Stakeholders, EREC P18 may be submitted to Ofgem for approval.

Further revision of EREC P18 is planned by the DCRP in line with the draft Terms of Reference attached with this consultation. Such changes are expected to be material in nature and are expected to be delivered through a DCRP Working Group.


Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 09 July 2019.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/19/07/PC Consultation Pack


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Vincent Hay on 020 7706 5105 or email

Consultation Responses

DCRP/19/06/PC - Closed


2019 DG Connection Guide Review

Target Audience

Anyone wishing to connect generation to distribution networks in Great Britain

Date Published

11 June 2019

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 02 July 2018


The Distributed Generation Connection Guides are a suite of documents that aim to help anyone wishing to connect generation to distribution networks in Great Britain. The Guides are required by condition 25.4A of the Distribution Licence, and governance of the documents lies with the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP). DNOs are required to maintain the Guides and keep them up to date.

Energy Networks Association, on behalf of its members companies, has agreed to revise the publication and has engaged Ricardo Energy & Environment to commence this revision work.

Ricardo Energy & Environment has produced draft revised Guides, which have been reviewed by DNO representatives. The Guides are now being put to public consultation, so that all interested parties can provide feedback.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 02 July 2019.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/19/06/PC Consultation Pack


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Vincent Hay on 020 7706 5105 or email

Consultation Responses

DCRP/19/05/PC - Closed


Modifications to The Distribution Code and EREC G99 of the requirements for Fast Fault Current Injection

Target Audience

The modifications will be of importance to Distribution Code Stakeholders and Users including Distribution Network Operators and Generators, but particularly to manufacturers of Power Generating Modules.

Date Published

April 12 2019

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 10 May 2019


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on proposed modifications to EREC G99 “Requirements for the connection of generation equipment in parallel with public distribution networks on or after 27 April 2019.

The proposed modifications are aimed at ensuring that the legal text for the fast fault current injection (FFCI) requirements in G99 is fit for purpose and provides an unambiguous description of what is required. The original legal text in G99 (and in the Grid Code) has been identified by stakeholders as problematic and this modification has been considered by a joint GCRP and DCRP working group to proposed amended text for both the Grid Code (proposed under GCode Modification GC0111) and G99.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 10 May 2019.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/19/05/PC Consultation Pack


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Vincent Hay on 020 7706 5105 or email

Consultation Responses

DCRP/19/04/PC - Closed


Modifications to The Distribution Code and Associated Documents for a No Deal EU Exit

Target Audience

The modifications will be of interest to all Distribution Code Stakeholders & Users including Distribution Network Operators, Transmission System Operators, Generators, Customers, Demand Side Response providers, Distribution Energy Resource providers and manufacturers of small scale embedded Power Generating Modules.

Date Published

6 March 2019

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 20 March 2019


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on proposed modifications to the Distribution Code, the Distribution Code Review Panel - Rules and Constitution and certain Distribution Code Annex 1 and Annex 2 documents identified in this Consultation Paper, which require amendment should the United Kingdom (UK) exit the European Union (EU) without a deal.

The proposed modifications are aimed at ensuring that:

  • retained EU law will function effectively in the context of the Distribution Code and associated documents under the governance of the Distribution Code Review Panel (the Panel) in the event the UK leaves the EU without an agreement (‘no-deal’).
  • the Distribution Code takes into account the provisions in the relevant Statutory Instruments that have been prepared under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 as well as relevant consequential licence modifications.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 20 March 2019.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/19/04/PC Consultation Pack


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Vincent Hay on 020 7706 5105 or email

Consultation Responses

DCRP/19/03/PC - Closed


Engineering Recommendation (EREC) G5 Issue 5 (2019)

Harmonic voltage distortion and the connection of non-linear and resonant plant and equipment to transmission systems and distribution networks in the United Kingdom

Target Audience

The modifications will be of interest for persons who:

  • Propose to connect equipment with resonant plant to the public electricity supply system that has the potential for causing or modifying voltage harmonic distortion.
  • Propose to alter such a disturbing equipment/installation as mentioned above, connected to the public electricity supply system that would result in material changes in voltage distortion.
  • Carry out assessments of the connection of disturbing equipment and the resultant voltage distortion and issue harmonic limits.
  • Measure voltage distortion caused by disturbing equipment for the purpose of checking conformance with requirements in EREC G5.

Date Published

March 13 2019

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 26 April 2019


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the proposed modification to Engineering Recommendation G5, subsequently referred to as EREC G5 Issue 5.

This modification has been prepared under the authority of the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP) – EREC G5 being a Qualifying Standard and Licence Standard under the Distribution Code.

The DCRP establish and maintain governance arrangements for standards referenced in the Distribution Codes that have a material effect on Users of the Distribution Systems. As such, EREC G5 will approved by the Authority (Ofgem) before publication.

Since Engineering Recommendation G5 is referenced in the Grid Code, this Distribution Code Consultation is also being targetted at Grid Code users to collect feedback from the wider industry, however any change to the Grid Code to reference EREC G5/5 rather than EREC G5/4 will be considered separately under the Grid Code governance arrangements.

The proposed EREC G5 Issue 5 constitutes a full technical revision of Issue 4 published in 2005 and has been extended, amongst other things, to cover assessment for concurrent connections

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 26 April 2019.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/19/03/PC Consultation Pack

Stakeholder Dissemination Events

The DCRP mandated the EREC G5/5 Working Group to host two stakeholder dissemination events to explain the changes made to the ER G5/4-1 document to Users in advance of the public consultation closure on Friday 19 April 2019. The two dissemination events will be hosted in London on Monday 1 April 2019 and Glasgow on Wednesday 10 April 2019. Members of the EREC G5/5 Working Group will be in attendance to present to stakeholders.

The dissemination events will allow DCode stakeholders to ask questions about the revised EREC G5/5 document to assist in understanding the impact of the changes being proposed, and to provide the opportunity to clarify any of the consultation questions being asked.

To register for either two of the events, please see the following links:

Stakeholder event in London 1st April 10:00-16:00

Stakeholder event in Glasgow 10th April 09:30-16:00

A copy of the slides for the stakeholder dissemination event can be obtained here. The worked examples and calculation spreadsheet are also available.

Please note: Registration

Registrations to attend the London event will be limited to the first 50 attendees. Members who register after the invitation cap has reached will need to join the meeting remotely via webinar.

Webinar event in London 1st April 10:00-16:00

Registrations for the Glasgow event will be limited to 120 attendees but members will not be able to join by webinar.

*A recording of the webinar is planned and will be made available to the public.


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Vincent Hay on 020 7706 5105 or email

Consultation Responses

DCRP/19/02/PC - Closed


DCRP/19/02/PC - EREP 130 Issue 3 – Guidance on the application of P2, Security of Supply

Target Audience

The guidance in Engineering Report 130 (EREP 130) Issue 3 will be of interest to Distribution Network Operators, Distribution System Planners, Customers, Demand Side Response providers, Distribution Energy Resource providers, and all other Interested Distribution Code Stakeholders.

Date Published

8 February 2019

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 7 March 2019


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the proposed modification to Engineering Report (EREP) 130.

Guidance on the application of Engineering Recommendation P2, Security of Supply requirements previously provided in EREP 130 Issue 2 (2014), would, if approved, be superseded by the modified Engineering Reeport (EREP) Issue 3 (2019).

The recommended revision to EREP 130 will ensure that DNOs can efficiently utilise Distributed Energy Resources (DER) within their network designs.

EREP 130 is an Annex 2 qualifying standard to the GB Distribution Code1 and governed by the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP). The DCRP establish and maintain governance arrangements for Qualifying Standards that have a material effect on Users of the Distribution System. Annex 2 Qualifying Standards, such as EREP 130, can be approved by the DCRP where unanimity is reached by the DCRP; however the expectation is that, because of its nature, EREP 130 will be submitted to Ofgem for approval.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 7 March 2019.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/19/02/PC Consultation Pack


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Vincent Hay on 020 7706 5105 or email

Consultation Responses

DCRP/19/01/PC - Closed


DCRP/19/01/PC - G98/G99 and G59/G83 Minor Technical Modifications and Editorial Corrections

Target Audience

All current and prospective manufacturers, developers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) of any size connecting new generation equipment to distribution networks.

Date Published

8 February 2019

Deadline for Responses

17:00 on 1 March 2019


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on proposed modifications to ERECs G98 and G99 which have been identified by DNOs and stakeholders in the months since these documents were first consulted on and published.

This is a follow up consultation to consultation DCRP/18/11/PC that ran 26 October to 23 November 2018.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 1 March 2019.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)

DCRP/19/01/PC Consultation Pack


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Vincent Hay on 020 7706 5105 or email

Consultation Responses

DCRP/18/11/PC - Closed


DCRP/18/11/PC - G98 and G99 – Minor Corrections and Housekeeping Modifications
Target Audience

All current and prospective manufacturers, developers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) of any size connecting new generation equipment to distribution networks.

Date Published26 October 2018
Deadline for Responses17:00 on 23 November 2018

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on proposed modifications to ERECs G98 and G99 which have been identified by DNOs and stakeholders in the months since these documents were first consulted on and published.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 23 November 2018.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/11/PC Consultation Pack
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Richard Wood on 020 7706 5174 or email
Consultation Responses

DCRP/18/10/PC - Closed


DCRP/18/10/PC - National Grid Legal Separation changes to the Distribution Code
Target Audience

The proposal is to modify the Distribution Code (DCode) to reflect the creation of a new National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) that is legally separated from National Grid Electricity Transmission Limited (NGET) will be of interest to Distribution Network Operators and all parties who currently interact with NGET

Date Published09 October 2018
Deadline for Responses17:00 on 29 October 2018

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the modification to both the ‘DCode’ and the ‘Constitution and Rules of the DCode Review Panel’.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 29 October 2018.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/10/PC Consultation Pack
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact Richard Wood on 020 7706 5174 or email
Consultation Responses

DCRP/18/09/PC - Closed


Storage Fast Track Modifications to Engineering Recommendations G98 and G99
Target Audience

All current and prospective developers, owners and operators of small scale storage devices.

Date Published14 August 2018
Deadline for Responses17:00 on 25 September 2018

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on the proposed modifications to ERECs G98 and G99 to accommodate the fast track storage process.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by

17:00 on 25 September 2018 on the pro-forma provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/09/PC consultation pack
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Consultation Responses

DCRP/18/08/PC - Closed


DCRP/18/08/PC - DC0079 - Frequency Changes during Large Disturbances and their Impact on the Total System. July 2018
Target Audience

Industry stakeholders in particular from all current developers, owners and operators of embedded generation with plant rated >16A per phase commissioned before 1 February 2018

Date Published13 July 2018
Deadline for Responses17:00 on 17 August 2018

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders in particular from all current developers, owners and operators of embedded generation with plant rated >16A per phase commissioned before 1 February 2018. The DC0079 workgroup is recommending that the Distribution Planning Code and EREC G59 should be changed to ensure that all existing embedded generators commissioned before 1 February 2018 make the necessary changes to comply with the following:

  • That where rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) protection relays are used, as part of Loss of Mains protection, the applied setting should be 1Hzs-1 with a definite time delay of 500ms.
  • That vector shift protection technique should be removed where it is in use as Loss of Mains protection.
  • That existing Loss of Mains protection settings for type-tested generators need not be changed.
  • Any existing over-frequency setting relays still set at 50.5Hz should if possible be reset to 52.0Hz.

This is the third phase of change with the two earlier phases having been approved by the Authority and subsequently implemented. They were:

  • implementing the banning of vector shift protection and the change in RoCoF relay settings from 0.125Hzs-1 to 1Hzs-1 with a definite time delay of 500ms for all new non type tested embedded generators commissioned on or after 1 February 2018 .
  • implementing the recommendations that all new type-tested plant connecting to the distribution network on or after 1 July 2018, will be expected to remain connected for a RoCoF of up to 1Hzs-1 with a 500ms time delay or a vector shift of ± 50 º.

The workgroup, through this latest DCRP/18/08/PC consultation, is recommending that the same requirements be applied retrospectively to existing non-type-tested plant within the scope of EREC G59 commissioned before 1 February 2018.

Given the retrospective nature of the proposed change, the DC0079 workgroup recommends the creation of an implementation team, with the governance, resourcing and stakeholder representation necessary to assure efficient and effective implementation of the proposed changes.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by

17:00 on 17 August 2018 on the pro-forma provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/08/PC consultation pack
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Consultation Responses

ENA Open Letter 5 July 2018

Open LetterGB Equipment Certificate regime for Power Generating Modules
Target Audience

To Stakeholders interested in developing an Equipment Certificate regime for Power Generating Modules to be deployed in GB

Date Published05 July 2018
Deadline for Responses17:00 on 31 August 2018

The aim of this ENA Open Letter is to prompt appropriate discussion between relevant stakeholders to initiate the moves that will see an effective Equipment Certificate regime implemented in Great Britain.

Next Steps

Responses to this ENA Open Letter should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 31 August 2018.

Open LetterENA Open Letter
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss the contents of the ENA Open Letter further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Open Letter Responses

DCRP/18/07/PC - Closed


G99 – clarification of Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Overfrequency requirements for Type A and B Power Generating Modules

Target Audience

All current and prospective manufacturers, developers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) of any size connecting new generation equipment to distribution networks.

Date Published02 July 2018
Deadline for Responses17:00 on 27 July 2018

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on the proposed modifications to the Distribution Code to clarify the requirements and compliance assessment of limited frequency sensitive mode – overfrequency for Type A and Type B power generating modules.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 27 July 2018 on the pro-forma provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/07/PC consultation pack
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Consultation ResponsesComments and WG response

DCRP/18/06/PC - Closed


DCRP/18/06/PC - Revision to the ENA Distributed Generation Connection Guides
Target Audience
Anyone wishing to connect generation to distribution networks in Great Britain
Date Published20 June 2018
Deadline for Responses17:00 on 20 July 2018

The Distributed Generation Connection Guides are a suite of documents that aim to help anyone wishing to connect generation to distribution networks in Great Britain. The Guides are required by condition 25.4A of the Distribution Licence, and governance of the documents lies with the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP). DNOs are required to maintain the Guides and keep them up to date.

Energy Networks Association, on behalf of its members companies, has agreed to revise the publication and has engaged Ricardo Energy & Environment to commence this revision work.

Ricardo Energy & Environment has produced draft revised Guides, which have been reviewed by DNO representatives. The Guides are now being put to public consultation, so that all interested parties can provide feedback.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 20 July 2018 on the pro-forma provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/06/PC consultation pack
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Consultation ResponsesResponses

DCRP/18/05/PC - Closed


Consultation opened 17 May 2018


This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on the proposed modifications to the GB Distribution Code to implement the EU Network Code Demand Connection Code (DCC).

The Grid and Distribution Code Review Panels have been running areas of joint work implementing the EU Network Codes, with the current focus on the DCC.Guidance from BEIS and Ofgem has been to apply the new EU requirements within the existing GB regulatory frameworks. This will provide accessibility and familiarity to GB parties, as well as putting in place a robust governance route to apply the new requirements in a transparent and proportionate way.

All the work to date and previous consultation material can be found at this link:

The Panels have consulted jointly on DCC implementation in March 2018.This current consultation is being run jointly but in parallel with consultation material for the Distribution Code separate from the consultation material for the Grid Code.Formally the DNOs will have to recommend the final Distribution Code etc changes to Ofgem separately from National Grid recommending the Grid Code Changes.

Target Audience

All current and prospective owners, operators, developers and manufacturers of demand side services and demand side service equipment for services provided to distribution network operators.


Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 8 June 2018 on the pro-forma provided expressly for the purpose, or via any other convenient means. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Update 24 May 2018 - As a result of a minor errors contained in appendices 2 & 3 in the consultation pack these have been corrected and the pack was republished 24 May 2018.

Consultation Pack

DCRP/18/04/PC - Closed


DCRP/18/04/PC - GC0079 Frequency Changes during Large Disturbances and their impact on the Total System - Phase 2

Target AudienceManufactures of Type Tested Generators and New developers of embedded generation installations.
Date Published31 January 2018
Deadline for Responses17:00 on 23 February 2018

This Distribution Code consultation is seeking comments from stakeholders in particular Manufactures of Type Tested Generators and New developers of embedded generation on the proposals to modify Engineering Recommendations G59 and G83. Any interested party is able to make a response in line with the guidance set out in Section 7 of the consultation paper.

The joint Grid and Distribution Panel workgroup recommends that the Distribution and Planning Code be changed to ensure that all type tested generation commissioned on or after 1 July 2018 should demonstrate stability for defined RoCoF and vector shift disturbances.

The proposal contained in the consultation will be of importance to Manufactures of Type Tested Generators as they may need to re-test their plant to ensure compliance with the proposed requirements.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 on 23 February 2018 on the pro-formas provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/04/PC consultation pack
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Consultation ResponsesConsultation Responses

DCRP/18/03/PC - Closed


DCRP/18/03/PC - Revision to Engineering Recommendation P2 - Security of Supply

Target AudienceThe guidance in Engineering Recommendation P2 (EREC P2) will be of interest to Distribution Network Operators, Distribution System Planners, Customers, Demand Side Response providers, Distribution Energy Resource providers, and all other Interested Distribution Code Stakeholders
Date Published12 January 2018
Deadline for Responses12 February 2018 (17:00)

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the proposed modification to Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P2.

Security of Supply requirements previously provided in ER P2 Issue 6 (2006), would, if approved, be superseded by the modified Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P2 Issue 7 (2018).

The recommended revision to EREC P2 will ensure that DNOs can efficiently utilise Distributed Energy Resources (DER) within their network designs.

EREC P2 is an Annex 1 qualifying standard to the GB Distribution Code1 and governed by the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP). The DCRP establish and maintain governance arrangements for Qualifying Standards that have a material effect on Users of the Distribution System. Annex 1 documents are approved by the Authority before publication. EREC P2 is also a Distribution licence requirement.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 Friday 12th February 2018 on the pro-formas provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/03/PC
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Consultation ResponsesConsultation Responses

DCRP/18/02/PC - Closed


DCRP/18/02/PC - Requirements for all Generators – Distribution Code Amendments and new EREC G98 and EREC G99

Target AudienceAll current and prospective manufacturers, developers, owners and operators of generation (and storage) of any size connecting to distribution networks.
Date Published11 January 2018
Deadline for Responses17:00hrs 1 February 2018

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from stakeholders on the proposed modifications to the Distribution Code[1] and the publication of Engineering Recommendations (EREC) G98 and G99 which together implement the EU Network Code Requirements for all Generators (RfG).EREC G98 and G99 are completely new documents.They will become Annex 1 documents in the Distribution Code and therefore subject to Authority (Ofgem) approval before final publication.


Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 Thursday 1st February 2018 on the pro-formas provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/02/PC Consultation Pack

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email


Consultation Responses

Responses to Comments

DCRP/18/01/PC - Closed


DCRP/18/01/PC - Revision to Engineering Recommendation P28 - Voltage fluctuations and the connection of disturbing equipment to transmission systems and distribution networks in the United Kingdom

Target Audience

The requirements in EREC P28 are intended for persons who:

  • propose to connect disturbing equipment to the public electricity supply system that have the potential for causing voltage fluctuations
  • propose to alter disturbing equipment/installations connected to the public electricity supply system that would result in material changes in voltage fluctuations
  • carry out assessments of disturbing equipment and resultant voltage fluctuations
  • measure voltage fluctuations caused by disturbing equipment for the purpose of checking conformance with requirements and limits in EREC P28.
Date Published8 January 2018
Deadline for Responses31 January 2018

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the proposed modification to Engineering Recommendation P28, subsequently referred to as EREC P28 Issue 2.

This modification has been prepared under the authority of the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP) of Great Britain – EREC P28 being a Qualifying Standard and Licence Standard under the Distribution Code[1]. However, given Engineering Recommendation P28 is also referenced within the Grid Code and there is potential for consequent modification of the Grid Code, the views from Grid Code stakeholders are also being sought.

The DCRP establish and maintain governance arrangements for Qualifying Standards that have a material effect on Users of the Distribution System. Annex 1 documents, such as EREC P28, are approved by the Authority (Ofgem) before publication.

The proposed EREC P28 Issue 2 constitutes a full technical revision of Issue 1 published in 1989 and has been extended, amongst other things, to cover assessment and limits for rapid voltage changes (RVCs).

The review and subsequent revision of EREC P28 has been overseen by a joint Working Group of various key stakeholders with co-ordination provided by the Energy Networks Association (ENA).


Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 Wednesday 31 January 2018 on the pro-formas provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/18/01/PC Consultation Pack
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Consultation ResponsesResponses

DCRP/17/06/PC - Closed


DCRP/17/06/PC - Revision to Technical Specification 41-24 (TS 41-24) and Engineering Recommendation S34 (EREC S34)

Target AudienceThe guidance in Technical Specification 41-24 (TS 41-24) and Engineering Recommendation S34 (EREC S34) will be of interest to designers of main earthing systems in electrical substations and other installations.
Date Published8 December 2017
Deadline for Responses26 January 2018

This Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the proposed modification to TS 41-24 and EREC S34.

Guidance relating to design, installation, testing and maintenance of main earthing systems in substations and assessing the rise of earth potential at electrical installations will be superseded by the modified TS 41-24 and EREC S34.

The modified TS 41-24 and EREC S34 have been completely re-drafted as a result of the publication of BS EN 50522, “Earthing of power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.” and the need to update both documents in the light of revised legislation and British Standards. EREC S34 is a more technical supporting document to TS 41-24. The two are extensively cross-referenced and therefore this consultation is for both documents together.

TS 41-24 and EREC S34 are both Annex 1 qualifying standards to the GB Distribution Code and governed by the Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP). The DCRP establish and maintain governance arrangements for Qualifying Standards that have a material effect on Users of the Distribution System. Annex 1 documents are approved by the Authority (Ofgem) before publication.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 Friday 26 January 2018 on the pro-formas provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)DCRP/17/06/PC Consultation Pack
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Consultation Responses

DCRP/17/05 – Closed


DCRP/17/05 Public Consultation - GC0079 Frequency Changes during Large Disturbances and their impact on the Total System.

Target Audience Manufactures
of Type Tested Generators and New developers of embedded generation
Date Published 7 August 2017
Deadline for Responses 1 September 2017
Summary This
Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry
stakeholders on proposed changes to the Distribution Code, Engineering
Recommendations G59 and G83 recommended by the Joint Panel working group GC

The workgroup recommends the modification of the Distribution and Planning Code, Engineering Recommendations G59 and G83 to ensure that all embedded generators with a commissioning date on or after the date of implementation of these proposals comply with the following:

a) That if rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) protection is used as Loss of Mains protection, the applied setting should be 1Hzs-1 with a definite time delay of 500ms.

b) That all generation (whether using discrete relays or loss of mains techniques included in the overall control scheme for type tested generation) should demonstrate stability for appropriate RoCoF and vector shift disturbances

c) That vector shift protection technique should not be used as Loss of Mains protection.

Next Steps

Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 Friday 1 September 2017 on the pro-forma provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.

Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format) GC0079 Consultation Pack
Contact If you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email
Consultation Responses Consultation Responses

DCRP/17/04 – Closed

CLOSEDDCRP/17/04 Public Consultation – ENA Distributed Generation Connection Guides
Target AudienceEnergy Networks Association’s (ENA) Distributed Generation Connection Guides are intended to help developers or prospective owners of any form of Distributed Generation, to connect a generating unit(s) to the UK’s electricity distribution networks. The Guides may also be useful for installers or manufacturers of distributed generation equipment.
Date Published17 March 2017
Deadline for Responses21 April 2017
SummaryThis Distribution Code public consultation is seeking the views from industry stakeholders on the proposed revision to the ENA DG Connection Guides. The Guides are required as set down in Electricity Distribution Standard Licence Condition 25A. The Guides are Appendix 2 qualifying standards to the GB Distribution Code and are governed by the Distribution Code Review Panel

There are four separate Distributed Generation Connection Guides, each with a corresponding ‘Summary’ guide. The purpose of the summary guides is to act as a quick check, providing only the most useful information in a condensed format. Each full guide has a flowchart that guides you to the most relevant Connection Guide for the Distributed Generation planned to be installed.

The Guides are intended to help owners or developers of Distributed Generation, to connect generating plant to one of the UK's electricity distribution networks.

ENA and its consultants have proposed modifications to the Guides based on changes to the industry that have occurred over the last 12 months or so. These change can be found in the record of changes document that is included in the consultation pack.

The ENA are therefore requesting comments on the proposed changes from industry stakeholders via this public consultation.
Next StepsResponses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary at by 17:00 Friday 21 April 2017 on the pro-forma provided expressly for the purpose. Responses after this date may not be considered.
Consultation Pack (packs in Zip format)Pack 1 DGCG Consultation paper, Consultation Response paper, Record of Changes

Pack 2 G83 DGCG Sections

Pack 3 G59 DGCG Sections

Pack 4 Standard response proformas
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email

DCRP/17/03 – Closed

CLOSEDDCRP/17/03 Public Consultation – EREC P25 – The short-circuit characteristics of single-phase and three-phase low voltage distribution networks
Target AudienceThe guidance in Engineering Recommendation P25 (EREC P25) will be of interest to designers of customer low voltage (LV) installations and it is expected that such persons are conversant with the requirements of BS 7671 (IET Wiring Regulations).
Date Published17 March 2017
Deadline for Responses14 April 2017
SummaryGuidance relating to 230 V single-phase supplies and 400 V three-phase supplies is currently provided in ER P25 Issue 1 (1996) and ER P26 Issue 1 (1985). As a result of the work to revise the documents it is proposed that both of these documents will be merged into one modified Engineering Recommendation (EREC) P25-2 (2017) and ER P26 will be withdrawn.

The revised draft EREC P25-2 provides guidance on the estimation of maximum prospective short-circuit current on the DNO LV network and at the supply terminals. Work to revise EREC P25-2 began in Q1 2016. The work has culminated in the draft EREC P25-2 which is now circulated for industry stakeholder consultation.

You can download the DCRP/17/03 consultation pack here. The pack contains a consultation paper, the draft EREC P25 and consultation response proforma.
How can I respond?
The Distribution Code Review Panel invites you to respond to this consultation to provide your views on the proposals contained in DCRP/17/03. Please send your response to using the consultation response proforma by 5pm on Friday 14 April 2017.
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email

DCRP/17/02 – Closed

CLOSEDDCRP/17/02 Public Consultation – “Align the Distribution Code and Distribution Code Constitution and Rules with changes to the SCR requirements”
Target AudienceAll Users of the GB Distribution System.
Date Published17 January 2017
Deadline for Responses7 February 2017
SummaryAs part of its third Code Governance Review, Ofgem seeks to introduce more flexibility to the GB Distribution Code (DCode) Modifications process following a Significant Code Review (SCR). The proposed changes include three routes for progressing an SCR’s conclusions, with potential allowance to move between the processes. DCRP/17/02 seeks to align the DCode with the licence changes made by Ofgem to deliver these new processes.The purpose of this consultation is to invite DCode stakeholders and other interested stakeholders to provide their views on the merits of the proposed modifications outlined in consultation DCRP/17/02. The Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP) will then consider the consultation responses, before submitting a final report to Ofgem.

The consultation pack can be found here.
How can I respond?
Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary David Spillett at by 17:00 Tuesday 7 February 2017 on the proforma provided with the consultation pack.
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email

DCRP/17/01 – Closed

CLOSEDDCRP/17/01 Public Consultation – “Entry into force of the EU Network Code” Transmission System Operational Guideline
Target AudienceAll Users of the GB Distribution System i.e all connectees at HV and all embedded generators with plant of a greater capacity than 16A per phase.
Date Published13 January 2017
Deadline for Responses3 February 2017
SummaryThe Distribution Code requires two minor modifications to DOC5 and DOC7 to ensure it is compliant with the EU Network Code “Transmission System Operation Guidelines” (TSOG).

The TSOG is expected to enter into force in early 2017 and some parts of it are effective immediately. These draft changes are intended to ensure compliance with the TSOG on its entry into force. This consultation sets out the reasons and justification for the two minor modifications.

The consultation pack can be found here.
How can I respond?
Responses to this consultation should be sent to the Distribution Code Review Panel Secretary David Spillett at by 17:00 Friday 3 February 2017 on the proforma provided with the consultation pack.
ContactIf you have any questions or would like to discuss this consultation further, please contact David Spillett on 020 7706 5124 or email

Industry Public Consultations (that impact the Distribution Code)

Other Industry Codes or Regulator Public Consultations (that impact the Distribution Code)

Updated 15 February 2017

None at this time.

If you would like details of any consultations prior to the above, please email