Battery Energy Storage Systems

​Battery Energy Storage Systems - BESS

The numbers of BESS connections are anticipated to increase in the coming years in-line with government targets on renewable generation and net zero. In preparation for this changes to the Standard Application Form (SAF) have been made to prompt the appropriate information exchange between BESS developers and DNOs. Copies of the relevant documents can be found below,

Affiliated Documents

Standard Application Form (v8 April 2022)

EREC G98 Amendment 6 (September 2021)

EREC G99 Amendment 8 (September 2021)

The storage modification which was approved by the authority under modification DCRP/MP/20/06 was published with a 12 month implementation date. Therefore this modification will come into effect 1st September 2021. Storage manufacturers with type tested units have been contacted to remind them to prepare for the changes. DNOs and stakeholders are now looking into the practical challenges and experiences of the connection of battery energy storage systems (BESS) to DNO networks, concentrating on the effects these facilities have network voltages.

Developments in the area of BESS connections will be updated on this page from time to time.

DCRP/MP/20/06 - Storage Working Group

The Storage Working Group was set up to consider a modification proposal that seeks to modify the Distribution Code (the Code) to define the appropriate technical requirements for Storage technologies connecting to the Distribution system and associated changes to the Distribution Code requirements for making a connection. The Workgroup is responsible for assisting the Distribution Code Review Panel (the Panel) in the evaluation of the Code Modification Proposal DCRP/MP/17/05, submitted by the Distribution Code Administrator at the DCRP meeting on 8 June 2017.

The Distribution Code Review Panel agreed in June of 2020 to establish the DCRP/MP/20/06 Workgroup to review the Distribution Code requirements relating to electricity storage. The work will consider how storage might develop technically and commercially, and look to ensure that there are no inappropriate pre-existing or future technical impediments to such development in the Distribution Code or its associated documents.

Affiliated Documents

DCRP/MP/20/06 - Terms of Reference

DRCP/20/06/PC Consultation Pack