DER Technical Forum


Operating as a sub group to the ENA DER DNO Steering Group ENA facilitates an industry technical forum where distributed energy resource (DER) connection issues are discussed and addressed and includes the sharing of best practice, a better understanding of technical constraints and the development of agreed solutions. The forum will only deal with technical related issues that are not already dealt with by other industry standing working groups, committees or code panels. Membership includes all DNOs, IDNOs, National Grid, Electricity System Operator representatives from DER trade associations and the DER community.

The DER Technical Forum secretary maintains a stakeholder issues log with key issues that require discussion and resolution. A copy of the log may be downloaded below. The log also includes previous issues raised where resolution has been confirmed along with items with resolutions outstanding.


Terms of Reference

ENA Type Test Verification Report Register

ENA is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the product information held on the register. ENA do not act as a certification body and the presence of a manufacturers device on ENA’s type test register does not indicate whether the device is indeed compliant to the required specification or not. For more information on compliance initiatives being facilitated by ENA, please click here.

The ENA Type Test Register enables all visitors to access the Type Test Verification reports as required by Engineering Recommendations G98 & G99 for products related to small scale electricity generation in the UK market including PV panels, wind turbines, CHP Units etc up to 50kW.

Energy Networks Association (ENA) has developed and hosts the site in order to promote product identification and information sharing but it is the responsibility of the product manufacturers to upload and maintain data and documentation relating to their products. Similarly, it is the responsibility of the connection agreement holder to ensure their manufacturers product is compliant with the required specifications.

Please note that from 27 April 2019 only equipment compliant with G98/G99 is accepted for connection to the networks due to the European Network Codes Requirements for Generators (RfG) legislation that has come into effect. Manufacturers are asked to ensure that they register their equipment through the new G98/G99 ENA Type Test Register, Please use the links below to access the G98/G99 Type Test Register as well as a link to view the older G83/G57 version.

Please click here to enter the new G98/G99 ENA Type Test Register.

Please click here to enter the old G83/G59 ENA Type Test Verification Report Register.