The GB Distribution Code
All DNOs currently operate the same version of the Code, and the Code is maintained by the Distribution Code Review Panel. All modifications to the Code are approved by Ofgem.
Issue 57: Effective from 01 October 2024
The revised version of the GB Distribution Code incorporates amendments to facilitate the implementation and requirements of the electricity System Restoration Standard and associated Grid Code alignment text.
Copy of Distribution Code Issue 57 can be found here
Click here for previous versions of the GB Distribution Code
Distribution Code User Guide
The guide gives a high level overview of the Distribution Code, and is aimed at anyone with an interest in the Distribution Code. It contains information about the regulatory structure in Great Britain and Europe and also provides a simple explanation of the various sections of the Distribution Code.
Click here to download the current version of the GB Distribution Code User Guide
Annex 1 and Annex 2 Documents
Some requirements of the Distribution Code are implemented through other industry documents. They are listed in Annex 1 of the Distribution Code, and are mostly Engineering Recommendations. These documents typically cover certain technical areas in detail, such as connection of generation, switchgear ratings and supply quality planning limits.
There are other industry documents which are not implemented via the Distribution Code, but do have a material impact on distribution network users. These are listed in Annex 2 of the Distribution Code.
Standards and other documents referenced in Annex 1 and Annex 2 of the Distribution Code are available for free and can be downloaded at the following link:
Click here for Annex 1 and Annex 2 documents
Standard Governance Procedure
DNOs or Users may bring proposals for modifications to Annex 1 Standards and Annex 2 Standards for consideration by the DCRP Panel. DNOs and Users bringing forward proposals for modifications to Annex 1 Standards and Annex 2 Standards shall set out in general terms the aims of their proposal and the likely impact, including costs.
Further information on how to submit a modification can be found here.
Useful Links
Association for Decentralised Energy (formerly the Combined Heat & Power Association)
The Association of Manufacturers and suppliers of Power Systems and ancillary equipment
Association of Meter Operators
British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Energy UK
Major Energy Users’ Council
Microgeneration Certification Scheme
National Grid
Renewable Energy Association
Renewable UK
Retail Energy Code
Solar Trade Association
Sustainable Energy Association (formerly Mircropower Council)