Following the industry consultation period, the DCRP will collate and review the responses to determine the general industry consensus and whether the proposed modification should be submitted to Ofgem for approval (or rejection). If submission of a proposed modification is the general view of the industry, then the DCRP will write a report providing a summary of the responses obtained and the replies from the DCRP to those responses. This report will also be published on the Distribution Code website.
On receipt and review of the report, if Ofgem thinks that they require additional information or clarification they will contact the DCRP to obtain this. If after review of the report, Ofgem cannot form a decision based upon the content of consultations which are presented to them, they can return the issue to the DCRP (and the working group, if applicable) to obtain further feedback. This ‘Send-back’ process is in place to safeguard Ofgem from having to reject a proposal when there are limited alterations required, such as minor revisions to legal text, technical points or clerical changes. When sending an issue back to the DCRP Ofgem can include the areas of development which may need expansion for a decision to be made.
Depending on the clarification required by Ofgem, further actions may be discussed with the working group, if there was one. Alternatively the modification may be withdrawn until further actions can be taken to address issues highlighted by Ofgem.
Ofgem will decide whether the modification proposal developed throughout the process should be approved to be implemented. Following the decision by Ofgem, their decision will be published on the Distribution Code website.
Should a modification to the Distribution Code be approved by Ofgem, the DCRP Secretary will ensure that the decision letter is circulated amongst industry and interested parties and also published on the Distribution Code website. Furthermore, they will ensure that changes related to the modification are made to the Distribution Code and that the updated version is uploaded to the website to replace the existing version. All of these modifications are to be undertaken within the proposed timescales.
If a modification is rejected by Ofgem then the decision letter will also be circulated amongst industry and interested parties as well as being uploaded to the Distribution Code website. The Distribution Code will remain unchanged.